Monday, July 23, 2007

Saving--->Every Little Bit Helps!

It is true, every little bit you save helps. Many people get discouraged because they are not saving enough. Set a goal that you can reach. Once you reach that goal set it higher and watch your savings multiply. It takes time and discipline at a minimum. It is harder to save when you have a large family. The average large family has many needs. Sometimes in order to save more, we need to make some serious lifestyle decisions. We did it. Dawn and I sat down one day and decided to list the things that are important to us and stick with our decisions. One thing we commited to was to never have a car payment again. We have since stuck with it. We have not had a car payment in several years. This has freed up a huge amount of cash flow every month, which allows us to save much more money. We may not drive the latest cars that we can "afford", but we are able to save a substantial amount of money, but removing the car payments from our life. It has also helped us to feel more financially stable while raising a large family. We have made several other decisions since then, I'll share those in the posts to come.

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