Thursday, September 27, 2012

Top 5 Large Family-isms

Now it is your turn.  Tell us what kind of things you run into when you are out and about with your large family.  Here is a short list we see:

1) Inevitably we see people counting all of us.  This almost always happens everywhere we go.  Not just a mental count, but a finger pointing count.  It is amazing how hard it is for some people to count eight moving humans.  Someone usually answers there are Eight of us, six kids....

2) We also get the question "Why do you drive that big of a vehicle, doesn't the gas prices kill you?"   That is the only vehicle that will fit all of us at once. Sometimes it is nice not to take two cars to our destination of choice.

3)  My wife gets this a lot....  " You don't look like you have had six kids!"   Why does every woman that has had more than three kids have to be overweight?  I guess that is another stereotype.

4) "How do you pay for all of them?"   I just stand at the front door and pass out $100 bills as they leave...Just like you pay for your kids, only things get used more by more people.  Six colleges and two weddings.  I guess they are going to have to work a little to get what they want.  I think it will be good for them.

5) "Wow you have that many kids and you don't even wear denim skirts and home school!"  I think this is a religious reference.  Everyone thinks you are like the Duggars if you have more than three kids. We are also  fortunate to live in an area with a great school system and our kids fit in very well.   Again, that is another stereotype.  We are actually a pretty "normal" family.  There are just more of us.

I guess we just get used to it.  I will have to be more conscious of these in the future and post them here.
What are your large family-isms?   Please leave them in the comments below.

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