Friday, October 19, 2012

What is Frugal?

I write a lot about cutting expenses and being frugal.  I have never thought that frugal was a negative term at all.  It has always been more of a compliment to me. Frugal is not really just about finding ways to save money, it is more of an attitude or a lifestyle choice.  People choose to be this way for whatever their reasons are. I have my reasons, as I am sure you do yours.

For example, frugal is not about getting things at a deep discount all of the time. Or even about completely not spending money.  Right now to me, it is also about when to know not to buy something.  It does not do us any good to accumulate a lot of things we don't need or won't use just because we got a good deal on it.  

I can't help it, I think I must have been born this way. (This is not a Lady Gaga reference). It has always been an interest (note financial pun) of mine. From the time I was very young I have always been a saver more than a spender.  I love to watch my money grow and also love to get great deals at the same time.  As I grew older I began to realize that the great deal is not as important as the need of the item to purchase. 

There are so many things that compete for my attention, do I really need this new thing (whatever it is) or will it just complicate my life more? Will I throw it away within a year or will I use it over and over. I think I look at purchases now as more of a long term investment.  I guess I am at that stage of my life where I am trying to simplify things.  

Maybe I will break down my stages of frugal-ness in future posts.  The problem is, I probably have not gone through them all yet!

Enjoy your families and have a great weekend!

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